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Excel se convierte en una herramienta de inteligencia de negocios: Hojas Inteligentes

E xcel se convierte en una herramienta de inteligencia de negocios: Hojas Inteligentes El Excel tradicional puede crear, copiar y pe...

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

IFRS 9 endorsement advice postponed( EFRAG postpone endoso de la recien aprobada IFRS 9 para su uso en Europa

12-11-2009 | IFRS 9 endorsement advice postponed
It has been decided that more time should be taken to consider the output from the IASB project to improve accounting for financial instruments.

EFRAG issued draft endorsement advice on IFRS 9 on 2nd November requesting input from constituents no later than 13th November.

However, it has been decided that more time should be taken to consider the output from the IASB project to improve accounting for financial instruments. Therefore, at this stage, EFRAG will not finalise its endorsement advice on IFRS 9.
EFRAG is currently considering how it will proceed in its work to address the package of standards that are expected to replace IAS 39.
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